No Cockpit Displays
Put in NOHUD for the code
Be Invincible
Put in QUENTIN for the code
Different Camera Angles
Put in DIRECTOR for the code. Select cycles, R1 zooms
Inverted Controls
Put in JARJAR for the code
Get Programmer Message
Put in MAGGIE for the code
Get Simon Pics
Put in SIMON for the code
Get Z-95 Ship
Put in HEADHUNT for the code
All Cheats
Put in PNYRCADE for the code
Get X-Wing Fighter
Get a gold medal on Act 1 Mission 3
Get Tie Fighter
Get a gold medal on Act 1 Mission 4
Get Advanced Zoomer Ship
Get a gold medal on Act 2 Mission 3
Get Jedi Starfighter
Get a gold medal on Act 2 Mission 4
Get Sabaoth Fighter
Get a gold medal on Act 2 Mission 5
Get Advanced Freefall Ship
Get a gold medal on Act 3 Mission 1
Get Advanced Havoc Ship
Get a gold medal on Act 3 Mission 3
Get Republic Gunship
Get a gold medal on Act 3 Mission 5
Get Slave 1 Ship
Get a gold medal on all missions
- Hidden objectives
- Mission 1: Destroy the spy ship.
- Mission 2: Allow no enemy craft to land on the beach.
- Mission 3: Destroy all walking Starfighters in the hanger.
- Mission 4: Destoy all Tractor Beam Towers.
- Mission 5: Destroy all enemies.
- Mission 6: Finish mission in under nine minutes.
- Mission 7: Destroy all three Trade Federation Freighters.
- Mission 8: Destroy all Landers and Super Freighters.
- Mission 9: Prevent all Hex Deployers from escaping.
- Mission 10: Lose no friendly Tugs.
- Mission 11: Destroy all Trade Federation Landers.
- Mission 12: Destroy all Turrets.
- Mission 13: Destroy all Bunkers.
- Mission 14: All Mere Transports must survive.
- Mission 15: All Mere Cruisers must survive.
- Hidden objectives for two player mode
- Mission 1: Complete mission in four minutes or less.
- Mission 2: Destroy all Trade Federation Carriers.
- Mission 3: Destroy all station doors.
- Mission 4: Destroy all Trade Federation Sub docks.
- Mission 5: Protect all buildings.
- Mission 6: Destroy all containers.
- Mission 7: Destroy all Sabaoth crafts.
- Mission 8: Destroy all defense barracks.
- Mission 9: Prevent all Drop Ships from landing.
- Misson 10: Destroy "Reavers".
- Mission 11: Destroy all Missile Frigate groups.
- Mission 12: Destroy Cruiser without using the orbital cannon.
- Mission 13: Lose no Clones.
- Mission 14: Remove all of Toth's shields.
- Mission 15: Destroy all turrets on Destroyers and Flagships.
Funny secrets
Easter Eggs:
in the mount Meraken level after you've destroyed
about 75 percent of the buildings and the fire comes out of the pipes, look into one that is not burning. You will see 3 easter
Droid in the Snow:
In the same level there are two landing platforms go to the one built against the mountain.
Hover between the peek of the mountain and the platform. You will see a big pipe. If you're in the right position you'll see
a little wite dot at the foot of the mountain. zoom in on that and you will see a droid building a snowman