Get Mother Mosquito
Go to the character select screen and HOLD L1 and press Up, Right, Left, Down, Square, Square, R1, R1, R1
Get Father Mosquito
After putting in the Mother Mosquito code above HOLD L2 and press Up, Right, Left, Down, Square, Square, R2, R2, R2
All EX. Tank Locations
stage 1:Behind video tapes
Stage 2:Tiny Slot between boxes to the right of the room
Stage 3:To right of sofa were remote is
Stage 4:1.Behind Rena's head
2.In bucket on floor
Stage 5:On top of wardobe, near bug zapper
Stage 6:In upside down pan over Kaneyo
Stage 7:Near cieling above alcove with plate + vase display
Stage 8:Both of them on the table
Stage 9:Under the exercise equipment
Stage 10:On top of wardrobe near bug zapper
Stage 11:Under the piano
Stage 12:1.Third step to the left
2.Near cieling lamp, over staircase
3.On boxes in the corner of the second floor
Reckless Cyclist
To get the secret two player mini-game, you have to twirl the right analog stick around 30 times at the title screen.
For every 10 times that you twirl it around you will hear a ding. When you are done, you will automaticly be taken to the
Get 2 Player mini Game
Use controller 2 and HOLD Start + Select after turning on the system.
Get 2nd Year mode
Just fill all 16 Extra Tanks.
Extra skin/color
If you beat all 12 stages you get a skin that looks like a real mosquito. its the "R" in the color selection.
Please enjoy your summer of blood sucking.
Buzz Buzz